Privacy Policy

by Carson

Welcome to Central Galaxy! (Note: “Central Galaxy”, “we”, “us” all refer to Central Galaxy). Our privacy policy describes how we collect your personal information, why we collect it, and how you can report offenses.

The Tools We Use

This website uses Google Search ConsoleGoogle AdSense, and Google Analytics to inspect our visitors, make our site better for people to use, and improve our SEO

What do we collect?

We collect:

  1. Your IP address and client ID (your identity as a visitor)
  2. Your age and gender
  3. Your interests from your Google Search history
  4. Your country, location, and language
  5. How you found us and the ranking of Central Galaxy in your search results
  6. The date and time you visited and left Central Galaxy
  7. The URLs you visited
  8. Other data from your Google Account


  • Even though you may not have an account, your information is still revealed through your Google Account. When you visit our website, either from direct URLs, referrals, or Google search, your path to enter our site is already recorded. We will also save your IP address (your identity as a visitor) on the server and your unique client ID for your session.
  • We inspect your Google Account for further analytics and get information like your age, gender, and interests. Furthermore, we record when you enter and leave our website to know about active users on the site and the average session duration. We also know the pages you visit to learn about the highest page views, the bounce rate, and investigate your navigation through the website, especially the landing page.
  • Sometimes, you are in an optional online survey (it isn’t available right now). Although you have the form, filling it in isn’t required. Nevertheless, filling in the form can help us know more about our visitors, and improve our services even more. Besides, what you entered in the search query, comments, and anything that requires input, can be recorded and shown in the tools.
  • Also, we know what you are using to browse our website, especially if you’re using a mobile. Moreover, we know what operating system do you use to get to our website. Additionally, we can document how many times you revisit this website to calculate and enhance our SEO.
  • Google and we also collect numerous kinds of information for various purposes, such as showing ads on our website. To know all information collected, see Google’s Privacy Policy.


Moreover, if you create an account (wp-account), we may collect your desired username, e-mail address, and other information, including your name, if you want.

The Details about a wp-account
Credits: WordPress

However, if you don’t have an account, your age, gender, and region are on our tools, but we won’t use them for contacts.

Why do we Collect Your Data?

We can use your information for various reasons. For example, if you have a complaint about your privacy, you should check this document. If you think you should report us due to an infringement of privacy, contact us at or We will either correct or remove your data from the website as soon as possible if it is compulsory.

Besides, we can send you e-mails about our services and your complaints. Moreover, we can reply to your request if we accept or reject the objection and if we can do something additionally to respect your privacy. It can also assist us to interact with you. For example, we can use your e-mail address or telephone number to send urgent notices to you.

Also, it might be a survey to enhance our SEO. For example, by investigating how many people of what age and gender click on the title, we can master which type of heading is the most eye-catching. The information is presented on Google Analytics.

Sharing to Third-Parties

Although your personal information is viewed for surveying, we won’t share it with third parties unless we think you, as a visitor, violated the privacy policy and the terms and conditions and needs legal actions like obligations and court orders. Moreover, you may have to do so in inputs for confirmation.

Also, a hash of your email address may be shared to the Gravatar service to see if you’re using that.

But, we will protect your information as much as possible to prevent information leakage. We won’t sell your information to third parties for marketing purposes. We will only disclose your data in the circumstances explained in the last paragraph.

Cookies and Similar Technologies

On the website, we use cookies — small text files that store data about the user, including your browsing activities, login status, name, language, et cetera. These files prevent you from setting up the account every time you log in and make your browsing on the site more convenient.

When you log in to your wp-account, we will set a temporary cookie which contains no personal data and expires when you close the browser. However, if you set “Remember Me”, your login will persist for two weeks, and the cookie disappears after you log out. Another cookie is saved in your browser if you edit or publish a post. It identifies the post ID and will go out of effect after one day.

Moreover, we use some special cookies to show ads in Central Galaxy. Whenever we display advertisements, AdSense sends a cookie to your browser. The server will also send a cookie as it transmits the ad data, or as you call the ad server.

Our cookies are mostly persistent ones, meaning that they don’t expire when your session ends; they have a preset expiration date and time.

However, if you think cookies violate your privacy, you can disable them in your browser or open an incognito window. This action may result in you disabling some functionalities or preferences the next time you visit us. Also, if you disabled cookies, your basic identity as a visitor will still be sent to us.

Protecting Your Privacy

We protect your privacy very seriously: we can’t learn about the data’s possessor because they are all anonymous unless you give us your name or sign up. However, we can’t guarantee that our systems won’t be hacked, so it’s your own risk to fill in any personal information, including in the comments. 

We use Wordfence to protect the website. For example, it logs failed logins and security problems that can make our website collapse. We will fix that as soon as possible and maintain the site’s health if an issue occurs.

Moreover, we strictly reject any spam, either in comments or via e-mails. Upon discovery, we will immediately mark them as spam and send them to the trash. 

Data Retention and Deletion

Your data is on our servers as long as it doesn’t expire. Although we can only see a temporary amount of information. For example, if the data disappears from the webpage after one week, it’s still on our servers, maybe for a year.

If you think that we offended your privacy, you can request to delete your information. That way, the data is no longer on our servers and won’t be in tools like Google Analytics anymore.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy constantly needs enhancements and amendments as our services improve or change. If you provide us with an e-mail address or be an email subscriber, we will notify you of any significant changes to this privacy policy. After reading the article, you can continue enjoying our content.