Our star, Sun, has the right properties of sustaining life on its planet. So, what if Sun changed its mass?
Sun’s properties
We have a lot to thank for our star that makes planet Earth hospitable to life. It doesn’t only give us light and heat because they give out just the right amount for life. If it were more luminous, we’d be bathing in too much UV rays. On the contrary, if it were less luminous, Earth would face the star by only one side, and temperature would fluctuate excessively.
Also, have you ever heard of variable stars that change its brightness vigorously in a short time? Well, be grateful Sun isn’t that type. Although Sun is a variable star and adjusts its luminosity over time, it fluctuates rather calmly. The intensity is far from being noticeable, and the time it takes is enough for most life forms to adapt.
Moreover, living near a red dwarf is not a good thing. Tidal locking might not be the most of your worries. These low-mass stars are capable of flaring and brightening it to fry the side facing the red dwarf!
Image Source: NASA’s Eyes
So, what if Sun changed its properties?
Well, it seems like our star is the perfect star to have life on its planet. So, even the slightest change could have real effects on life on Earth. If it were more massive, the planets need to orbit faster so they would drop. This can push Earth out of the habitable zone and burn the surface. The same way, if the star suddenly became less massive, orbits would rise. That’s why a slight change in the mass can affect life badly, right?
Also, if it were brighter, we’d be bating in UV rays so we’d get severe sunburns after strolling on the garden. Also, if sunspots didn’t appear, the star’s magnetic field would disappear, and we’d be exposed to more harmful radiation.
Furthermore, if Sun’s composition changed and fuses helium instead of hydrogen, it would expand and push the habitable zone out. That means Earth would not be livable once it happened.
Therefore, it is a complicated thing if Sun changed its properties, and it’s best to keep it the way it is for now.